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If you decide to buy a book from the list and you send it from abroad, please note that the invoice accompanying the book should be made payable to CNEA-Centro Atómico Bariloche and the addressee should also be CNEA-Centro Atómico Bariloche. (The bill can not be in the name of John Doe with address in Brazil and CNEA-CAB be the recipient, because the local Customs requires that the person named on the invoice, withdraw and pay 50% of the value of the book as customs clearance expenses. If the book is billed to CNEA, this fee is not charged.)
If you want to send a book that is on the list and is in a personal collection, you must complete a form from the Argentine Consulate in the country you reside, indicating that the book is a gift and its value is Nil.

Balcells Interferencias Electromagnéticas en sistemas electrónicos        
Beckurts Neutron physics        
Carrizosa Segura Int. A los mecanismos   9701842464 IPN 2000
Dounce Un enfoque analítico del mantenimiento industrial   9789702409144    
Ishii, M. Thermo-fluid dynamic theory of two phase flow        
Kimmich, R. NMR Tomography, Diffusometry, Relaxometry   3540618228 Springer 2001
Moore, W.R. Foundations of Mechanical Accuracy       1970
Nakazawa, H. Principles of Precision Engineering     OUP 1994
Reuss Neutron physics   9782759803248 EDP Science 2008
Rodi, W. Turbulence models and their application in hydraulics 3a.   Balkema 1993
Sklanny Sistemas Digitales de Control de Procesos   71467610    

Last update 11/05/2021

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Universidad de Cuyo