Leopoldo Maximo Falicov (1933-1995)

List of Publications
Doctoral Thesis

Leo FalicovHe was born in Buenos Aires into a Jewish family of Eastern European origin. His father, Isaías Félix Falicov, was born in Argentina and his mother, Dora Samoilovich, was an immigrant who came to Argentina at a very young age.[1]
Falicov studied at the Colegio Nacional of Buenos Aires. He attended the first years of the Chemistry and Physics careers at the Faculty of Exact Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA).
In 1955 he entered the recently created Institute of Physics of Bariloche, (named Balseiro Institute after 1962) and received his Bachelor's Degree in Physics in May 1958 as a member of the first class of Physicists. Meanwhile, in 1957, he received a Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry from the UBA. Simultaneously, he was working on his doctoral thesis at the Bariloche Institute of Physics under the direction of José Antonio Balseiro on the subject "Photon packets: their classification, dispersion and formation" which he defended in August 1958, 3 months after finishing his undergraduate degree. It was the first doctoral thesis at the Balseiro Institute.
In 1959 he earned a scholarship from the British Council to study at the University of Cambridge, England, where he completed a second doctorate under the direction of Professor Volker Heine on the subject "The electronic band structure of metals", on December 8, 1960.
In 1959 he married Marta Puebla, a plastic artist who made his famous drawing of the "Magnesium Fermi Surface" known as the "Falicov's Monster" which he developed during his doctoral thesis.
He was a researcher and visiting researcher at several renowned institutions, such as the University of Chicago, Bell Laboratories, Cambridge University, University of Antioquia, University of Copenhagen, University of Paris, Orsay.
In 1969, he was Professor at the University of California at Berkeley, USA, heading the Department of Physics from 1981 to 1983.[2]
Falicov was a member of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Letters of Denmark, and of the Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Argentina. He was a member of the American Physical Society, the Institute of Physics (IOP) and the Third World Academy of Sciences.

[1] Manuel Cardona, Marvin L. Cohen, Steven G. Louie."Leopoldo Maximo Falicov" (pdf). Biblioteca Leo Falicov.
[2] https://history.aip.org/phn/11508017.html

Falicov's monster
Falicov's monster
Biblioteca Leo Falicov - Av. Bustillo Km 9,500 (R8402AGP) San Carlos de Bariloche, R.N. | ARGENTINA | Tel +54 294 4445900 int 5802
https://biblioteca.ib.edu.ar - biblioteca@ib.edu.ar
Universidad de Cuyo